To unravel the evolutionary and biogeographic origins of the Eastern Asian – Western North American floristic patterns, I have been able to showcase some of the best-known and most significant disjunctions – those between eastern Asia and North America, as they developed dynamically along with the separation of Beringia. Many of the taxa we study here in Alaska have close ties to those taxa in W Beringia and we have been able to do field work in Chukotka to get original material for study, but we also benefit from samples provided to us from our Russian colleagues. Together with Smithsonian Institution colleague Jun Wen, we have documented the amphitropical disjunction between North America and South America and also reviewed the Eastern Asian – Western North American disjunction in plants. I have also joined Israel Loera and Victoria Sosa (INECOL, Veracruz, Mexico) to explore the phylgeography of Ephedra compacta and with Ashley Morris (Middle Tennessee State University) we examined the phylogeography of Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum). Together with AJ Harris, Oberlin College, OH, I have organized a symposium on New insights on the assembly and biodiversity of the flora of North America at the International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen, China in 2017, since the symposium contributions have been published in a special volume of the Journal of Systematics and Evolution.
Harris, AJ, Ickert-Bond, S.M. 2018. Continents as units for the study of floristic assembly and biodiversity: Focus on North America. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56: 401-404 (Editorial and Cover image) [Link]
Garroutte, M., Huettmann, F., Webb, C.O., Ickert-Bond, S.M. 2018. Biogeograhic and anthropogenic correlates of Aleutian plant diversity: A machine-learning approach. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56: 476-497. [Link]
Harris, AJ, Ickert-Bond, S.M., Rodríguez, A. 2018. Long distance dispersal in the assembly of floras: A review of progress and prospects in North America. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56: 430-448. [Link]
Loera, I., S.M. Ickert-Bond, and V. Sosa. 2017. Phylogeography in a warm, North American desert: contrasting genetic patterns in the dioecious shrub Ephedra compacta. Journal of Biogeography 44:2706-2716. [Link]
Liu, X.-Q., S.M. Ickert-Bond, Z.-L. Nie, L-Q. Chen, and J. Wen. 2016. Phylogeny of the Vitis-Amplocissus-Pterisanthes-Nothocissus clade in Vitaceae supports the New World origin of the grape genus Vitis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 95: 217-228. [Link]
Wen, J., H.R. Ree, S.M. Ickert-Bond, Z. Nie and V. Funk. 2013. Biogeography: where do we go from here? Taxon 62: 912-927. [Link]
Liu, X.-Q., S. M. Ickert-Bond, Chen, L.-Q. and J. Wen. 2013. Molecular phylogeny of Cissus L. of Vitaceae (the grape family) and evolution of its pantropical intercontinental disjunctions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66: 43-53. [Link]
Wen, J., S.M. Ickert-Bond, Z.-L. Nie, and R. Li. 2010. Timing and Modes of Evolution of Eastern Asian – North American Biogeographic Disjunctions in Seed Plants. Pp. 252-269 in Long, M., H. Gu, and Z. Zhou (eds.), Darwin’s Heritage Today – Proceedings of the Darwin 200 Beijing Intern. Conference. Beijing: Higher Education Press. [Link]
Wen, J., Q.-Y. Xiang, H. Qian, J. Li, X.-Q.Wang and S.M. Ickert-Bond. 2009. Intercontinental and intracontinental biogeography—patterns and methods. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47: 327-330. [Link]
Wen, J., and S.M. Ickert-Bond. 2009. Evolution of the Madrean-Tethyan disjunctions and the North and South American amphitropical disjunctions in plants. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47: 331–348. [Link]
Ickert-Bond, S.M., Murray, D.F., and E. DeChaine. 2009. Contrasting patterns of plant distribution in Beringia. Proceedings of the Arctic Alaska Park Science Symposium and Beringia International Conference. Alaska Park Science vol. 8 (2): 26-32. [Link]
Ohse, B., F. Huettmann, S.M. Ickert-Bond, and G. Juday. 2009. Modelling the distribution of White spruce (Picea glauca) for Alaska with high accuracy: An Open Access role-model for predicting tree species in last remaining wilderness areas. Polar Biology 32: 1717-1729. [Link]
Morris, A.B., S.M. Ickert-Bond, B.D. Brunson, D.E. Soltis, and P.S. Soltis. 2008. Phylogeographical structure and temporal complexity in American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua, Altingiaceae). Molecular Ecology 17: 3889–3900. [Link]